Raleigh – NCDP Chairman Wayne Goodwin and NCDP African-American Caucus President Linda Wilkins-Daniels released the following statement after Rep. Mark Meadows refused to defend Rep. Cummings from President Trump’s racist attacks, even after Rep. Cummings came to Meadows’ defense earlier this year:
“Why hasn’t Congressman Mark Meadows come to the defense of his endearing friend Elijah Cummings? Representative Cummings rushed to Congressman Meadow’s defense earlier this year, yet when the president launched a racist tirade against Cummings, Meadows is shamefully silent. Congressman Meadows, just like Republican elected officials like Senator Thom Tillis, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, and Senator Dan Bishop who proudly shared the stage with President Trump as he stoked a racist chant, is choosing loyalty to the president over doing what’s right for our state. North Carolina voters deserve independent representatives who will speak truth to power – not bow down to it.”